Wash jeans that were stained with cow poop
Tell my girls to stop farting
Laugh when my girls fart
Buy the generic brand of anything
Feed a frog
Talk to a fish and tell him he's cute
Yell at other people's kids
Make macaroni and cheese as a meal for my girls
Grocery shop, fold laundry or wash dishes at 5am
Write a blog and open myself up for other people to comment on my personal feelings
Like middle school kids and want to hang out with them (once in a while--not every day)
Share my computer with a 7 year old
Get overwhelmed with 3rd grade math
Clean dog poop of friends' kids feet (notice how a lot of these have to do with pets???)
Own a charcoal grill and use it
Forget my camera for pretty much every major function
Tell my girls "Because I said so"
Live in my current house for as long as I have
Get tired of reading self-help books
Become a home-body
Enjoy going barefoot (seriously--I used to hate this)
Use my hubby's shaving cream
Bribe my kids with ice cream, candy or money (this probably explains why I can't afford to move and still live in my same house)
Love people as much as I do (even those with more baggage than me)
Forget how old I am
Be caffeine-free
Think an appliance or something for the house is an awesome birthday/anniversary gift
Look forward to making copies at my girls' school
I'm sure there are more, but these are the first things that came to mind. What about you?
I love this one. I remember you not liking the fact that as a kid i wanted to always be barefoot. you always told me to put on shoes. Its funny how we all change, I can't do that anymore cause then I would get m feet dirty.
Oh those are fun!
I don't even know where to start...
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