It was totally awesome, groovy to the max and whatever cool 80's adjective you wanna use here. Here's what I learned:
12 Years is too Long to go Between Concert Dates
Yep. It's been 12 years since we've been to a concert at Gexa. We've done lots of free music in the park kind of things and even went to one at a stadium recently, but kids have been involved in those so they don't count as dates. The last one we saw at this venue was Third Day and Caroline was a baby so I was nervous it was too loud and spent most of the night covering her ears and sitting as far back as I could. We were definitely overdue for a concert date.
People Watching is as much Fun as the Concert
Oh my GOODNESS!!! I have not laughed so hard in a long time. From the early 50's preppy guy pounding his fist in the air to the music, to the group in front of us decked out in 80's gear, to the teenagers who were looking humiliated standing next to their singing and dancing parents, to the young college-aged couple beside us literally pretending to play an instrument with each other's bodies. There was so much goodness all around!!! And yes, I'm sure there were people looking at us thinking we were dorks, too. I got over that before the first Tesla song was over.
Seriously, y'all! It was not even dark and there were some smells wafting all over the place. And we don't live in Colorado. Every time I thought I pinned down who it was, I would realize I was wrong. But there was definitely more than one who was enjoying a little "medicine" that night. It was like eating poppyseed muffins the morning before you get tested--don't do it.
Whataburger is Crowded at 11:30PM
Yes--I always knew this, but in case you didn't, be ready to sit in a line for a looooonnnnng time because your husband is hungry on the way home.
There was more Hair Product used on Stage this one Night than I have used in my last 20 Years
Wow! While I did perm my hair and scrunch it to make it as big as possible back in the day, I didn't realize so many people still did. Between the 3 bands, there was probably enough hair to wrap around the stage several times. I wonder what happens when these guys walk around in public. Do they ever think about cutting their hair? They would get an immediate raise--those hair products aren't cheap. Unless they are still using Aqua Net.
REO Speedwagon Had More Hits than "I Can't Fight this Feeling"
I was surprised at how many of their songs I didn't recognize. And there weren't many ballads. Huh, who knew?
Doing Something that Seems Against the Rules is Fun
We don't do things like this in the middle of the week--esp when we both have to work the next day. I can find lots of excuses--the traffic stinks getting through Dallas, it's too late on a work/school night, it takes a lot of extra effort to figure out what to do with the kids.
But it's worth it. Maybe part of the joy is that it reminded me of a time--before kids and work--when we were a lot more carefree. Which, in turn, helped set the mood for the night (even if we did have a grown-up dinner of steak before the concert).
It was a good night.