Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Could God be like a Soldier?

I've been reminded several times in the last week of what a sacrifice our soldiers and their families make for me and my family. It overwhelms me. The thought of putting other families' freedom in front of being with my family is unfathomable to me.

A friend posted this video and at first I didn't like the song chosen and felt like it was comparing these soldiers to God. But then I stopped and just listened and watched. Be ready with a Kleenex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fyx0Yb5aGU

"Just as I am" was an altar call song for me growing up. We sang it every Sunday. And, on occasion, I truly meant the words. But seeing them in this context, made me ask myself if I am willing to throw myself with utter abandon at my "Daddy" like these kids did?  Do I cling to him?  Am I overwhelmed with emotion just to be in His presence?

I've always struggled with viewing God as good and kind and loving (I get the just and wanting us to grow part of Him). Seeing this video, put a new picture to that view. I pray that I will be like the boy who would not let go, and the little girl who kept laughing and touching her daddy's face.

"Running to Your Arms"(aka Forever Reign) has come alive for me in a new way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f3sNiYpuF4

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