Dear Mary,
Was it a night like this?
Was the sky filled with twinkling stars or was it dark?
Was the weather warm or were your arms covered with goosebumps?
When did you first know you were in labor? Were you still sitting on the donkey, trying to tell Joseph you needed to stop for a bathroom break? Or were you already settled into the barn when your contractions started?
Was it daylight when you stopped? Were you able to see your surroundings?
Did you have Braxton hicks? Did you wonder if this baby would ever be born?
Was Joseph patient? Did the sight of blood make him woozy? Did he help deliver our Savior or did he leave you to your own? Was the inn-keeper's wife there to help? Did you feel alone?
Did you question God? Did you wonder why He would let His Son be born in a feeding trough?
Was it a barn like this?How many animals were in there with you? Did the smell gag you? Did you worry about your baby catching something since He wasn't born in a sterile environment?
Did He cry?
Did He immediately latch on to nursing or was it hard? How did you do it without a Boppy pillow?
Had you ever seen another birth? Did Joseph cut the umbilical cord? Did he deliver the afterbirth?
Did you hear the angels singing? Were you just so utterly exhausted or were you hyped up and not able to sleep?
Did Jesus sleep? Did He smile? Did He snuggle up to you?
Did you know Herod wanted to kill your Son?
How long did you stay in the barn? Were you able to find a place to sleep the next night or did you have to stay there for several days? Did you have to travel very far? Were you sore?
Were you scared or relieved?
From one mama to another, how did you do it?