Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another Blog???

I've been really inconsistent here lately.  I'm at that point again in life where I'm restless.  God is working in the background and He is stirring my heart, but I'm not ready to share that here yet.  I've told a few friends, but not sure my faith is big enough yet to claim it on here for my 26 followers to read.

One other thing I've been thinking about for a while is starting another blog.  It seems kinda silly to start another, when I can't maintain the one I already have.  What I'm hoping a 2nd blog will do, is provide a place for me to share ministry experience. On here, there's so much stuff that I discard as not being in line with the purpose of "A Royal Tradition."  I know, I know--you thought I posted whatever random thing came into my mind, but I DO have a filter. 

Ministry is hard.  What's even harder is when we keep the hard things to ourselves and pretend that we have it all together--making others scared to speak up for fear that everyone will think them unworthy of  ministry.  The cycle goes on and on.  Authenticity is hard, but oh, so necessary if we're going to be used by God to help equip all who are called to this crazy life. 

The rewards of ministry--seeing that child "get it", watching a volunteer connect for the 1st time, seeing a team come around and pray for each other, hearing from a parent the impact of a small group leader on their child, etc. are amazing.  But they are few and far between--at least to our eyes. 

So, in my  restlessness, I'm thinking.  And praying.  And honestly, a bit overwhelmed.  If I do start another blog, it will need to look and be much more professional than this one.  I want the reader to have the ability to have the posts emailed to them.  I want to figure out how to post links.  And technology--even though I love  the benefits--scares me a tad and takes a LOT of the little power left in my brain at the end of the day.

So, if you know everything there is to know about making a great blog, please share your brain with me.  If you're in ministry and you think one more blog is needed in the world, then let me know. 

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