Sunday, June 13, 2021

These are a Few of my Favorite Things...6.13.21

I need to re-vamp things bit.  I've been trying to do a Friday Faves post each week, but Fridays have just not been working for me.  My plan is to switch up to the weekend for a while and see if that's better.  If not, I will do a "Favorites" post once a month and maybe a weekly pic recap.  If you read this post regularly, would you comment and let me know how you prefer it?  Is there a day of the week that is better for you? I'm a creature of habit and like to be as consistent as possible so that is why I feel the need to change it up a bit.

While we are deciding that, here are a few of my favorite things from around here this week:

Woodworking Artist    

Y'ALL!!!  Check out this charcuterie board my friend Brad made.  Make sure to zoom in on the cardinal and look at the detail.   That is all natural wood!  He is truly an artist!  He's working up a quote for me for 2 more charcuterie boards for some recent grads in my life and a personalized cutting board for a family member getting married.  I can not wait to see them!  

To see more of his work, go to his Insta account at @mathecustomcreations.  If you have an idea, he can make it come to life--and probably add more details than you thought were possible!  I really believe that he will be famous for his artistry one day and am so glad I have discovered him now.  

You can also email him HERE. If you check him out, tell him I said Hi!

Visiting Friends

You probably noticed the gorgeous redhead in the pic with the charcuterie board.  That's Tonya.  She was one of my college roommates and I completely adore her!!!  Living up here at the farm is often lonely because I don't see many people.  In fact, other than Caroline's school counselor, I have not met anyone else here yet and it's been 10 months!  I have had several friends come visit me and have a few more scheduled in the next few months and, let me tell you, they encourage me SO much!!!

Tonya and I were pot-luck roommates.  We both prayed REALLY hard the summer before we moved in together in Kerr Hall at UNT--that God would give us a Christian roommate.  And He totally did!  We lost touch for a bit after college, but reconnected several years ago.  She brought her sweet daughter with her this past weekend to visit me and we were laughing as we were trying to explain to her that  cell phones and email were not used much when we graduated.  

Anyway...Tonya has been an amazing friend to me.  She believes in me and makes sure to tell me so.  After talking with her, I am always encouraged and reminded of the creativity God has given me.  Days with Granny are often long and tiring.  Seeing the farm through a friend's eyes revitalizes me in a way I can't express through words.  

And getting to meet her daughter was so sweet!  She loved everything about the farm and is an old soul like I was as a kid--she even gave me an idea of doing a Farm/Craft camp for teens in the future!

Everyone needs a Tonya in her life!

Easy Dinners

Cooking for Granny is interesting.  She likes most veggies, but is picky about her meat.  She doesn't like casserole-type things--everything needs to be separate.  BUT, she does love her some kielbasa.  I have started cooking one-pan meals at least once a week and we all love them.  I take whatever veggies I have on hand, slice them, toss them in olive oil and sea salt and throw them on a pan.  Then I put the kielbasa on there.  Everyone will eat this without me having to alter it for each person's preferences.  

And you know what is just as good as the meal? The fact that there are hardly any dishes to clean from it!!!  It's a win-win!!!  Do you cook any one-pan meals?  I need more recipes so send them my way if you have them!

Viola App

If you haven't tried this app, you have probably not been on social media this week.  I think I like my cartoon self better than my regular self.  Not only did it give me green eyes, but none of the gray shows in my hair-LOL!  This app really is fun.  Have you tried it? I wanna see your pic!

I will leave you with a few of the #farmcharm pics I took this week...

The Royal Chicks love watermelon!

Keeping one eye on me to make sure I wasn't trying to take her treat!
We snuck out to the National Cowboy Museum this week.  

Poor Caroline.  She finally gave in and posed for a pic after I asked her throughout the whole museum.

Sun setting

Even weeds are pretty up here!

Then and now.  Tonya has not aged at all!

Smiling Willow

Flynn in his window (photo cred to Audrey for this one!)

I love when the sun is a big orange ball! 

The token windmill pic of the week

1 comment:

TLClark said...

Oh, this makes me teary! We absolutely loved our time with you on the farm. 💕